JoinedTopics Started by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
10 Graphs that show that the Watchtower is in trouble in Mexico
by ILoveTTATT2 inmexico is by far the country where the witnesses have had the most success in the entire world.
almost any statistic except the total amount of witnesses shows that mexico is where the witnesses have had the wildest success in the world.proportional to population, the witnesses in mexico are double, or nearly triple, what they are in the us or brazil.but there is "trouble in paradise".
if mexico falls, pretty much the whole watchtower falls.which is why it is so important to have jwfacts translated to spanish.i made an analysis and things are looking bad in mexico... if trends continue, mexico will become just like the 1st-world countries.here is the first graph:maximum publisher % increase:.
JW.org is a real estate and publishing company disguesd as a religion.
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE insince my awakening i have tried to understand why and how people could continue to believe so blindly in a proven false "religious" cult that has such an extensive and detailed record of scandals, lies and cover ups???
i've come to the personal conclusion that there are three major reasons.
i call them the 3 f-ups!
Where else can I go???
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE inthose are the words of my 2nd generation born in jw mother.
my grandfather died refusing blood.
i've since come to the realization that many jws have no other opportunities or options when it comes to leaving the cult.
Overcoming deeply ingrained false beliefs. (short video)
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE inthe jw cult systematically teaches doctrines, which in turn become beliefs, that hinders a persons mental, emotional and spiritual growth.
here are some great pointers on how to overcome deeply ingrained false beliefs.. .
1 timothy 4:2. such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.. https://youtu.be/agywceulbx0.
Child Sex Abuse Victims and How They Can Overcome the Pain (video)
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE inhttps://youtu.be/u7r1pnxr0wq .
a great instagram page for post on unconditional love : @iamloveiam.
Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final
by OrphanCrow ini just watched the live feed from the russian court room and followed the updates on the russian exjw forum.. just waiting for confirmation from other sources...but, it looks like the final (and expected) result is:.
which means that the wts property in russia now belongs to the russian state..
This weeks Congregation Bible Study
by NikL inanother week of a "bible study" wherein the bible isn't studied.. the continuing whitewashing re-imagining of the societies history brings us to a study of things that have been discovered to be bad due to the ever increasing light shone upon the bible students.. this week we considered the cross and how the bible students used it for many years before discovering it's pagan roots and unacceptability in pure worship.. nothing new here.what got me was the end of the study where they used one of the parables of jesus and applied it in a weird way.. i was going to give my observations on it but tadua over at borean pickets did it nicely.... the god’s kingdom rules portion this week is chapter 10 para 12-19 pp.103-107.
the theme: ‘the king refines his people spiritually’.
this week’s portion deals with how the organization treated the cross.. like the issue of christmas, it took from the 1870’s to 1928, nearly 60 years for it to become clear the cross had no place in pure worship.
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE inhere are links to all the latest issues of the "jehovah" inspired jw's.... charity commission of uk investigation.
My mom is into "The Secret"
by BlackWolf inlately my mom's gotten into all kinds of weird "power of positive thinking" kind of stuff.
she watches "the secret" and bob proctor videos all the time, and now she's trying to get me into it.
to me her being into this sort of thing seems kind of hypocritical.
Three congregations dissolved and a kingdom hall sold within a 50 mile radius in my area...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE inhas anyone else heard of these situations with congregations and halls in your area?
i thought the ground breaking mandatory pledge a little while ago was to keep up with "immense" growth?
how soon they forget... looks really bleak for the future of the wbats, the jw gravy train seems to be coming to a slow and agonizing yet inevitable stop.